Blog 1 : Kay Richardson SPMU

Blog 1 : Kay Richardson SPMU


Hartlepool                  Billingham

Mon                            Closed                         Closed

Tuesday                     10.30am-7pm           Closed

Wednesday                Closed                         9.30am-12pm

Thursday                   Closed                         9.30am -7pm

Friday                         10.30am-7pm           Closed

Saturday                    Closed                         Closed

Sunday                       Closed                         Closed


It’s natural to have questions and concerns about any procedure! You can bet if your thinking about questions now, what if? How does it? Etc., then I’ve been asked the same by numerous people before the same thing. I’ve tried to answer the most common questions below, however, if there’s something you really want, to know, then please ask? Your procedure begins, way before you come into the studio.

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